NEBOSH International Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety

Be at the Forefront of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health Protocols in the Oil and Gas Industry.
Always available
Certificate of Attendance
1 Lessons
Available online
Seminar Number: IDN-M23-GDP

The NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate is a foundation qualification designed to develop occupational health and safety knowledge that is specific to the oil and gas domain. The course is based on international best practices with a particular focus on Process Safety Management (PSM).


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Target group

The NEBOSH Oil and Gas International General Certificate is aimed at anyone responsible for health and safety in the oil and gas industry, including:

  • Health and safety officers
  • General managers
  • Safety supervisors
  • Environmental health & safety engineers


There are no mandatory entry requirements. However, having awareness of general health and safety issues is essential. It is recommended you complete the NEBOSH General Certificate program before taking this course and have a suitable standard of English language (score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests).

Training outline

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Looking for in-house training? We got you covered!

  • We customize training for your business.
  • Trainings are held on-site, minimizing downtime and saving time.
  • Our quality and safety trainings promote compliance and proficiency.
  • Top trainers
    Expert trainers to help you get ahead with competence learning.
  • 1,000+ trainings
    Topic seminars and competency courses to help you learn, grow, and build your skills.
  • TÜV Certification
    Your global hallmark of competency confirmation. Trusted and accepted worldwide.
Rp 6.000.000,00 Price (excl. VAT)
Rp 6.660.000,00 Price (incl. VAT)
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Lowest total price available per person. Higher prices per event date are possible. Possibly. Exam fees are included in the total price. All price details can be found in the selection area at the bottom of this page.
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In need of In-house training?

  • We customize training for your business.
  • Trainings are held on-site, minimizing downtime and saving time.
  • Our quality and safety trainings promote compliance and proficiency.
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